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Vision Boards: My Life In Progress...

Visualization is a powerful tool. The well-known book "The Secret" explains, "The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience, and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe." Visualization is often used to train Olympic athletes, chess champions, students, and now you. Vision boards are fun, easy to make, and are meant to be a reflection of who you are and how you want to feel. They can be easily integrated into your personal design aesthetic, and the best part is that they can be as functional or interactive as you'd like. Personally, I like to layer and do a true collage when I create my vision boards. My best friend is a little more simplistic with her designs, more focused in her thoughts and desires. Another friend liked to use a bulletin board divided in half and move images from one side to the other as they began to show up in her life. My favorite, though, as I mentioned before, was the one who made a Quaker Oatmeal container vision board. Everything was covered including the lid. When we made our vision boards, there was laughter, merriment, and a house full of positive energy. The results that came from that event, for the both of us, were incredible.

One thing that I have come to realize when creating a vision board is that the right mindset is key. I have had some low points in my life, and in those moments, when doubt and fear or loneliness crept in, I would rip my current vision board off the wall and try to start over. Creating a vision board when I was "in the depths of despair" as Anne Shirley would say, never resulted in a positive outcome. Energy follows thought, and in those moments, I had very negative, bitter and angry thoughts. So, when you are ready to create your vision board, make sure that you are surrounded by good people, vibrant energy, and you are in a good place emotionally. In a discussion with a friend recently, she shared that the best time to manifest is during a new or waxing moon. So all my ambitious friends, the next new moon comes around Tuesday, March 8th and will last until Wednesday March 23rd. That gives you just enough time to gather your supplies, your friends and a bottle of wine.

Getting Started: To create a vision board, you need a few essential items and a big imagination. This is the place to put everything your heart desires. How you want to look, what you would like to have, accomplish, and most importantly how you want to feel. Let's get started!


1. Magazines/Newspaper/catalogues/scrapbook materials/a small envelope

2. Scissors

3. Glue/Tape/Push Pins

4. Poster board/bulletin board/or box.

Vision Board Materials, Lets Get Started!


1. Cut out images and words that inspire and empower you. These can be found in magazines, newspapers, catalogs, or the Internet if you have something specific in mind.

2. Select what type of board you want. I usually go with poster board. However, I had a friend once create one out of the Quaker Oats cylinder, and it was highly effective. The more personal you make this artifact, the more powerful it will be.

3. Arrange your pieces on your board before gluing them down. This allows you to play around without committing to anything right away. Wait until it all feels right to paste it down.

3. Cut and paste to your hearts desire. It's that simple!

The best part is, this is something that can be done anytime, anyplace, and as much as you want. I've included a link to a Pinterest page that has more ideas and examples of vision boards. It is incredible how creative people can get! So what are you waiting for? It's time to go out and start envisioning the amazing life you deserve!

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