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James Patterson's Master Class: My Work In Progress...

I have been teased long enough by the ads on Facebook. I took the plunge and decided to take James Patterson's Master Class on Writing. I paid for the program, I printed out my workbook, and I began my lessons. The goal for me was to get a better sense of how to outline and write dialogue. However, if I am being totally honest, I also wanted to learn more about the man behind so many intriguing and meticulously planned works of genius. Here's a fun fact... I have never read any of his adult fiction novels. As a middle school teacher I was introduced to his youth series Middle School the Worst Years of My Life and immediately I was hooked. The intricate design and path the characters take challenges and delights the readers at every turn, and I appreciate the complex storylines provided for a much younger, but incredibly captive audience.

Master Class Overview:

  • 22 Video Lessons that range from six to fifteen minutes

  • A workbook that corresponds with lessons and includes pages for notes

  • Class Discussion- This has been a useful tool as it is a very supportive and engaged community of writers.

  • Homework Assignments. For Example, I am on lesson 3 and I need to brainstorm three story ideas. I am still in the brainstorming phase.


  • Schedule Writing Time: This is one of the first lessons we learn just about anywhere. If you are going to improve your skills in any activity you must first make that activity a priority. SO... with that being said; buy a planner, print a free calendar off of Google, draw one yourself if you are super crafty (I am not so Google it was) and set aside time each day to write.

  • Take it Slow: To be honest. I have no idea what the average time for completion is in this class. It is self-paced, which I love, and really will depend on when the muses decide to drop a little inspiration your way. I started this back in February I think, and am still only on Lesson 3. Rome wasn't built in a day, and my skills as a writer will not develop overnight.

  • Just Keep Writing: This is probably the hardest part, for me specifically. I make a plan, I schedule my time, and then... I stare at my computer screen, get frustrated when nothing happens, and go eat a pint of Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. If only creative writing were as easy as writing these posts.

As I am still only on Lesson Three I cannot provide a full review yet, but what I can say about Mr. James Patterson and his class so far is this... I love it. Mr. Patterson is a warm, relaxed, open and very real individual. He is not some kind of mythical creature or demigod to be revered, he is simply a man who was persistent enough and made his dreams come true. I look forward to the struggles and successes ahead as I forge my way through this Master Class. The community of passionate writers that I have surrounded myself with will only make me a better, and I am excited to see where my story takes me.

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