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I Left a Note in a Library Book...

I am not exactly sure where the idea came from...maybe it came after watching he movie Serendipity, or perhaps it came from another friends yearly "Bucket List". I guess where and when I got the idea isn't really all that important, but neverheless the idea is there and I am going to see it through. I am going to leave a note in a library book.

When doing a bit of research on this idea, I came across the official "Bucket List" website, which I imediately signed up for, and on it was submissions from hundreds of people who have done exactly what I have and left an inspirational quote or a note just to say hello in a random book. They will divulge small details like what title, what the note says, and where in the book it was place, but most leave the exact location a mystery which I find to be deliciously exciting! I am proud to have added a picture and clue to this website

I have been intrigued by this idea of leaving an annonymous note in a library book for someone, someday to find. I will never know when, where, or who will find it. I will never know the impact it had on them. Did it just make them smile? Or was it something that was needed in that moment and turned around their day? Whatever the outcome, I hope that this simple random act of kindess made them smile, and I hope that they will pay it forward.

Yesterday, for the first time in about five years, I set foot in a public library. I was on a

mission. I was looking for a specific book that I knew was available, and with swift cat like skills that would make James Bond proud, I was in and out of that serene space, book in hand. I haven't decided what words of wisdom or encouragement I will impart yet to future purveyors of this text, but I will enjoy the epic journey the tale takes me on as I travel to far away lands and then return the book once more for others to enjoy.

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